

Tremendous profits can be realized by avoiding N-loss from manure. Dairy manure has potential to provide 52 lbs-N per 1,000 gallons. With only 35% N-Recovery, 18 lbs of N per 1000 gals are available immediately upon application. That amounts to 2x’s the 8.4 lbs-N from traditional practice, when N becomes available slowly, month by month.

Value of Dairy Manure

1,400 lb Cow Milking will produce
150 lbs of manure and urine per day
$0.50 N-Price per lb (elemental)
$0.47 P-Price per lb, less 18% N included
$0.54 K-Price per lb

Manure Contains:  lbs/cow/day price/lb  $/cow/day $/cows/yr
Nitrogen  $0.99 $0.500 $0.495  $180.64
Phosphorous $0.17 $0.423 $0.072 $26.24
Potassium $0.23 $0.540 $0.124 $45.33
Total NPK $0.691 $252.21
  PLUS Organic matter, humus and trace minerals $0.691 $252.21
  Fertilizer value from one lactating cow $1.38 $504.42
Potential N-Value from Dairy Herd: # = 100  $18,064
  Income Available from          35%          N-Recovery
     100 cows                   70 Acres (N=180 lbs/acre)
  Est. amount Recovery Practice   Profit
 First year N 16% $6,322   $2,890 $3,432
 Buy commercial-N@ $/lb  $0.50  $0 -$3,432  $3,432
 Spray vs Knife @ 5/acre1  $40  -$1,050 -53,850 $2,800
Appl. Timing – bu/acre2 $20  $4,886 $0  $4,886
Est. $/bu corn price $3.49
N-Recovery – Income per Year  $14,550
     Additional Income – depending on practice
Compaction – bu/acre3 $ 10 $2,443 $0 $2,443
  Odor/Enviro-Risk-$/cow   $100 -$1,000 -$10,000  $9,000
1. Spray applied @ $15/acre • Knife @ $55/acre = $40/acre savings from spraying.

2. Successful Farming reports 20-40 more bu of corn per acre from N applied when crops need it most.

3. Research reports 10% crop yield lost to compaction when spreading manure by tractor.

4. Estimate annual Insurance value of farmer’s risk from odor lawsuits and environmental penalties.