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Welcome to The eXpert Company
“Your portal for proven solutions to problems worth solving!”
- Improve Rural Health and Quality of Life
- Odor-free manure management
- Better animal health and well-being
- Reduced exposure to air quality problems
- Increase Crop Yields and Profits
- Improve crop nutrients and soil health
- Restore fertility for degraded fields
- Improve nutrient applications for increased yield
- Recycle livestock water for rescue irrigation
- Improve manure management and reduce cost
- Reduce costs and improve timing for manure spreading
- Reduce the risk of leaching or run-off from farm fields
- Reduce manure build-up and recover capacity in lagoons
- Improve livestock performance and animal health
- Improve in-barn air quality to reduce livestock stress
- Clean barns and empty pits in less time with reduced cost
- Recycle undigested feed for improved feed-to-gain
- Recycle clean, odor-free and pathogen free bedding
- Improve conditions that plague the environment
- impaired lakes
- air quality
- water quality
- Green House Gas
- Climate change